Smoothy Sharoon fruit / Orange

Publié le par ilovetocook

smothplaq4 smothplaq6


Hello everyone,

this is a very delicious smoothy, 


  • 3 plates mines
  • 1 orange
  • 1 / 2 liter of milk
  • sugar to taste (I did not add me, I found the already great taste), or a little more taste of honey.


smothplaq2 smothplaq1

smothplaq7 smothplaq5

peel oranges, and the plates mine (if you can not stand the bark a little hard sometimes) I confess that sometimes I eat it with his bark, but for the smoothy, I removed.

spend all ingredients in a blender or screened. and presto it's ready.

smothplaq smothplaq3

In any case it 'was booooooooooooooooooon

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