Prawns soup

Publié le par ilovetocook

soupe de crevettes 014a

Hello everyone,

This is a great recipe that I love, and even my kids liked, which made me real pleasure.

the recipe right away:


  • shrimp (I buy my frozen)
  • an onion
  • a clove of garlic
  • 2 bay leaves
  • of chopped fresh coriander
  • thyme
  • A case of tomato puree
  • oil
  • salt, black pepper, paprika
  • rice



soupe de crevettes 016a


the method:

  1. in a pot, it is brown the onion and garlic in a blender to pass, in oil,
  2. and add the tomato cans.
  3. then add shrimp, and seasonings is left to simmer a bit
  4. and then added the Lauriette, the coriander, thyme, and cover it with water and left to cook
  5. at the end of cooking if you're the type who did not like a light supper, you can add a handful of rice, enough time to cook, and remove from heat.


soupe de crevettes 021


thank you for your visits.

Publié dans Sea food

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