Qalb el louz, honey cake with almond

Publié le par ilovetocook

QLB 005




Finally, the recipe for honey cake called qalb el louz and I really liked, and which is "the recipe" that I've always searching, it belongs to Radotouille , you can visit her blog,

so that `s her recipe, I make you copy / paste:

for my part have any currency j by two

- 500g caster 
- 250g sugar (next time I will reduce the amount because c was a bit sweet for me) 
- 125g butter, melted 
- 125 ml of liquid: 65 ml orange flower water and 60 ml water 
for the syrup: 
- 1 l water 
- 500 g sugar 
- Juice of 1 / 4 lemon 
- A glass of tea, orange blossom water

QLB 009

the day before: Mix the semolina and sugar

add melted butter and mix with your fingertips, especially not knead

Finally pour in half of the liquid (reserve remainder for the next day) and work like when you wet the couscous. 
Cover and chill overnight. (Milestone)

Same Day:

Leave the bowl at room temperature about 30 minutes, gently shelled grains of semolina and add the remaining liquid, which was kept `. 
butter a baking dish, the size of it that I've used are 33 * 23 cm (13 * 9 inches) 
prepare the stuffing: 1 scoop of almonds for 1 / 4 measure of sugar, 2 c butter have melted, and 2 AC cinnamon coffee. This step is optional, for my part, I `ve not poking my qalb el louz.

Place small mounds of dough with fingertips into the mold, when c is uniformly spread the stuffing on top and cover the same way the rest of dough. if we do not stuffed version, take a lot bigger from the beginning and does so only one layer

Recently Updated

always at your fingertips flatten so here is what is homogeneous, then cut out portions with a large knife in clearly showing the knife every time, do not drag.

Brush with melted butter (100g) (here little accident with the butter, I have to try to `spread more evenly so that it had begun to cool, we see traces of the brush, but it` s okay!) 
Garnish each serving with an almond 
Bake at 200 C for 1 hour or up to what it is golden brown.

While cooking make the syrup by adding the orange flower water at the end 
Drizzle the output of the oven, using a ladle. No you can not use all your syrup, because it depends on the quality of the meal, but worth more to have more than enough. you can check with the tip of a knife if c is saturated or not .....

let cool then cut ....

QLB 012  

Publié dans Algeriens delights

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